In order for products to gain absolute trust from domestic and foreign customers, Cau Con always focuses on developing safety equipment system of products.
Especially for the thrilling game products, Sau Con has successfully researched and applied two safety lock systems including:
- The first system is HYDRAULIC SAFETY COURSE. Main parts include: storage (or source), hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic valve and hydraulic oil pump. In particular, the equipment is imported from Europe and Japan (typically control valves are imported from the US).
- The second system is THE SAFETY MECHANICAL BARSOLER. To have a complete mechanical tooth bar system, it is necessary to reach a high level of engineering and meet the requirement of absolute precision. By doing this, the new safety lock can meet large loads due to no slippery phenomenon, achieve efficiency of more than 99%, always operate stably with high speed, high capacity and long-term durability. .

With the effective combination of the two sets of locks as above and both controlled by the electrical system (whether the type of power is supplied or not), two levels of safety have been created: hydraulic first, first level two. Mechanical engineering, in addition to the quality safety belts and belts, ... all make up the Absolute Safety System for the product.
For customers interested in Sau Con's products and services, please contact:
168A, Nguyen Thi Tram Street, Area 2, Ba Lang Ward, Cai Rang District, City. Can Tho
Phone: 02926 544 555 - 0967 343 579
168A, Nguyen Thi Tram Street, Area 2, Ba Lang Ward, Cai Rang District, City. Can Tho
Phone: 02926 544 555 - 0967 343 579