Continuous improvement, sustainable development and Customer satisfaction are a measure of our success
Hotline: (+84) 967 343 579

Product specifications
- Number of people: 14 people
- Number of cars: 04 cars
- Design payload: 1,050 kg
- Running speed: 32 km / h
- Maximum altitude: 3.7 m

Product Description: Aerial Cruise Ship has long been the most attractive game in theme parks because of its overwhelming feeling of terrifying heights, and winding routes like ripples in the ocean to the players both shouted in a hoarse voice because they were blown away by a moment of horror. Aerial Glider produced by Crocodile Con has 03 versions suitable to the installation needs of all customers including: 01 type of spiral, 02 turns and the largest of 03 spiral with production parameters such as after:

Technical parameters:
- Number of people: 14 people
- Number of cars: 04 cars
- Design payload: 1,050 kg
- Running speed: 32 km / h
- Maximum altitude: 3.7 m
Commitment to quality, warranty and maintenance:
- The product is manufactured according to ISO 9001: 2015 International standards and issued by the British National Standards Agency BSI.

- Product warranty: 12 months.
- Annual maintenance regime and according to customers' requirements quickly and economically.
Origin: Products of Sau Con Co., Ltd. - Vietnam
Please contact consultants, quotes and orders:
Address: No. 168A, Nguyen Thi Tram Street, Area 2, Ba Lang Ward, Cai Rang District, Can Tho City, Vietnam

Phone number: (+84) 2926 522 777
Hotline: (+84) 967 343 579 - (Sales staff (+84) 911 637 766 - (+84) 939 776 966)